illy Coffee
Illy Coffee In Grani - Whole
Illy Coffee Macinato - Ground Nine types of Arabica coffee beans are used to achieve the illy blend. The beans are electronically selected and, after a slow roasting and air-cooling process, they are packaged under nitrogen. A unique aging process dramatically enhances Illy's aroma and aftertaste. This means a better yielding: 70 servings per pound. Illy 3 kg. tin is also available in decaffeinated whole beans. The caffeine content is less than 0.1% while the aroma and aftertaste are virtually identical to the regular espresso. Tin-Plate container with removable screw
cap and safety valve.
Plus shipping at UPS ground prevailing rates.
Plus shipping at UPS ground evailingtes.
*Plus shipping at UPS ground prevailing rates.
The "Pod" is pre-ground, pre-measured, and pre-tamped portion of high quality Arabica coffee, packed between two layers of special paper. Available in three roasting degrees: Chiaro (light) / Normale (medium) / Scuro (dark)
Prices does not include shipping at UPS ground prevailing rates.
*Plus shipping at UPS ground prevailing rates. |
?General Information