Parts Purchase Policy

Your satisfaction is very important to us. If for any reason, you are having challenges or displeasure with your purchased items, please contact us and we can assist you with the items, or organize a return for your purchase.

Our valued customers are welcome to purchase individual parts from us, should we be allowed to sell them by the agreements binding our vendor relationships. As such, there are machine and equipment parts we can source and sell on an individual basis for clients.

However, as our one of our primary pillars of business is the repair of such equipment, we do not provide any support or guidance with respect to our customers acquiring information about parts needed for their usage case.

If our customers would appreciate guidance on parts necessary for their machines, they are advised to request machine diagnostic service and repair from us instead.

All equipment parts purchased by customers are final, with no allowance for exchange or refund.

Espresso RMI LLC will not indicate, or perform any diagnosis whatsoever, or be held responsible for any replacement parts customer wishes to purchase.

Customer is responsible for their own "diagnosis" of what part(s) they may or may not require. The customer is solely responsible for determining which parts are "correct" or "necessary" for their usage case.

This includes providing a correct part item number on a per manufacturer basis.

We, Espresso RMI LLC, do not provide information to customers about part numbers in part sourcing.

Thus, the customer or purchaser hereby understands and agrees to these terms and conditions regarding any parts purchased from Espresso RMI LLC.

Customer hereby indemnifies Espresso RMI LLC from claims and/or liability regarding using and/or installation of any parts purchased from Espresso RMI LLC.

If you have any questions at all regarding these policies, please feel free to contact up through any of our communication channels so we may discuss your inquiries. We understand that these policies can be long winded, and are written with the intention of protecting our business, and thus, we are happy to explain them plainly to you upon request.